Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Entrepreneurship University Chicago Press -Myassignmenthel.Com

Question: Discuss About The Entrepreneurship University Chicago Press? Answer: Introduction Entrepreneurship is the process of starting a new business venture and the one who starts the business is known as an entrepreneur (Kirzner, 2015). Entrepreneurs have the ability and they are enterprising by nature. There are various aspects of an entrepreneur which help the person in becoming capable of dealing with various situations that the person might face as an entrepreneur. This report throws light on my personal skills as an entrepreneur which have been derived by taking two online tests. The results of the test are as below. GET Test This test helps in defining an enterprising tendency of a person. This refers to the ability to initiate, manage and lead projects. My overall score in the test was 65% which demonstrated that I am an occasionally enterprising person. I somewhat agree with this analysis because in my everyday life also I feel that there are certain areas that interest me and I would be ready to take on new projects and challenges in those areas. On the other hand, if the overall topic does not interest me, then I would not be able to take such an initiation. The test has reflected upon my need to achieve as well as my need for autonomy. Both these needs hold true for me as I am a very competitive person and once I begin something, I tend to conclude it in an effective manner. Also, I prefer to perform my tasks alone as I believe I work best when I am given the desired autonomy. This allows a free flow to my creativity and helps me work better. The test also reflected that I believe in taking calculated risks and I tend to make good judgments after analyzing the pros and cons of every situation. The same is true for every decision that I make in my personal life as well including my choice of college or how I spend my time. This helps me take efficient decisions as well as take responsibility for those decision. Test my creativity The second test that I took checked my level of creativity. My score on this test was 80.08. The typical score of people is around 63.46. Therefore, my score is way above average. I have always considered myself a creative person and I try to do things differently in my daily life. I have a strong ability to generate new ideas out of basic things and this is what helps me gain a competitive edge over others in my life. I scored high on curiosity. This implies that I have general habit of questioning the ordinary and not accepting things without getting the desired answers. Since the beginning I have been a curious person and I often find it difficult to simply accept the traditions and trends that are followed around me. I come from a religious family but I have always questioned the basics or the reasons behind the traditions adopted by them before adopting them myself. I also scored relatively high on boldness. This implies that I possess the ability to push boundaries and carry out things beyond conventions. I always believed in myself and never feared about what others would think of me at any stage of my life. This is evident in my choice of attire, thoughts, processes and decisions that I make. I believe that my level of creativity will help me in my entrepreneurial ventures as I plan to start my own digital marketing firm. The area of expertise requires immense creativity and I hope that this would help me in the same. As a future entrepreneur, it is important to remain persistent and aim higher with every win (Drucker, 2014). I need to work upon this attribute as I often tend to get satisfied with small gains. Antecedent influence Antecedents have a major role to play in shaping up any human being. I come from a family with a strong value set and that makes me a very ethical person. I would ensure that no unethical activity takes place in my business. I believe that ends do not justify the means and it is important to remain on the righteous path for long term success. My work experiences have helped me work with a lot of people coming from different backgrounds. This has helped me understand the respect for different perspectives and has enhanced my ability to coordinate and collaborate with different mindsets and work towards a common goal. There are lot of people in my life who also impact my thought process and reasoning. My father has been my role model is various aspects and his optimism, self-confidence and need for excellence in everything that he does also motivates me to go after my goals. My family has always encouraged me to take risks and this provides a massive support system that I am grateful for. The support from my family and friends helps me believe in myself and do unconventional things without doubt or fear. Conclusion My entrepreneurial journey will be that of immense learning and growth. I believe that my strengths include my communication skills, creativity, quick decision making and ability to collaborate with different people in an effective manner. I will continue to work upon these attributes and ensure that they help me in my entrepreneurial venture. I also need to work upon my weaknesses. Through the GET 2 test, I analyzed that I am only occasionally enterprising. This has helped me understand that sometimes as a leader, I would have to do things and take up projects that do not belong to my area of expertise. However, for the success of the business, it is imperative that I take keen interest in working hard and developing an interest in the same. The course and the tests that I have taken have been thoroughly helpful and have helped me gain a deeper insight about my entrepreneurial abilities. Through the course and my learnings, I hope to become a successful entrepreneur and take my business to the pinnacle of victory. References Drucker, P., 2014.Innovation and entrepreneurship. Routledge. Kirzner, I.M., 2015.Competition and entrepreneurship. University of Chicago press.

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